How attorney review can rob you of a house that you have a fully executed real estate agency drawn contract on . . .

How attorney review can rob you of a house that you have a fully executed real estate agency drawn contract on . . .   Once you have a fully executed real estate agency drawn contract in New Jersey and that contract has been delivered to all parties, a 3 day attorney review period begins (in […]


The Dunes

Having already wrote about what I would consider the widely known sections of LBI, we will now dive a little deeper into some other sections of the island.  It is amazing to think that LBI is only 18 miles long but each section and each town differs from one another.   You may find similarities between […]


Harvey Cedars

Harvey Cedars is between North Beach and Loveladies and offers a mix of commercial and residential.   Harvey Cedars mainly offers single family homes, but does offer some multi-family options, condos and interval ownerships.  Almost every street in Harvey Cedars has public beach access which is not necessarily the case in neighboring towns. Harvey Cedars has […]